1. Object

This website belongs to LINEXTREMADURA SL, with B-06647200, a company registered in the Badajoz mercantile registry, volume 574, folio 16, page BA-25095, 1st Inscription, with registered office at PI El Nevero, c/ Nevero Trece, Parcela 14 of Badajoz, with CP 06006.

Telephone: 696430898 (Mon-Thu 9:00-15)

Email: info@linextremadura.com

Access to this website is free and without restrictions, although browsing and using these pages grants you the status of User, submitting to these Conditions of Use.

2. Intellectual Property

The contents of this website, including images, logos, graphics, animations, texts or computer applications, regardless of their format and form of representation, as well as the domain www.linextremadura.com and www.linextremadura.com are the property of LINEXTREMADURA SL, and are protected by laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property and by the regulations governing domain names.

The use of hyperlinks to this website is allowed.

The use of frames (frames) or any other mechanism intended to hide the origin or source of the contents, as well as any use, transformation or exploitation for commercial, promotional or contrary to law, morality or public order, is prohibited. that could injure the interests or damage the image of LINEXTREMADURA SL or legitimate third parties, that constitute unfair competition or, in general, contrary to the provisions of these Conditions of Use.

3. Limitation of Liability

The links (hyperlinks) or third-party content that appear on this website are provided for the purpose of expanding the information or indicating another point of view. Its inclusion does not imply acceptance of said content, nor the association of LINEXTREMADURA SL with those responsible for said web pages, for which reason it rejects all responsibility in relation to them, as well as for the damages that could be caused for any reason in its system. computer (equipment and applications), documents or files. LINEXTREMADURA SL may only be responsible for said content in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, in the event that, having had effective knowledge of its illegality or that it harms the property or interests of a third party, do not delete or disable the link to them.

The Owner does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of this website or its contents for technical reasons, security, control or maintenance of the service, due to failures due to the server that hosts the contents or other intermediaries or providers, due to attacks against the computer system, nor for any other reasons that derive from causes beyond its control, for which reason it is exempt from any responsibility, direct or indirect, for them.

LINEXTREMADURA SL is not responsible for failures, errors or damage, direct or indirect, that may be caused to the user's computer system or to the files or documents stored in it, which are caused or derived from the capacity or quality of its system. computer or the presence of a virus or any other harmful computer application on the computer that is used to connect to the contents of the web, the quality of your connection or access to the Internet, due to a malfunction of your browser, or for the use of computer applications whose versions are not updated or the corresponding user license is not obtained.

4. Modifications and Updates

LINEXTREMADURA SL reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need for prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on the website, its configuration, availability and presentation, as well as these Conditions of Use.

5. Data Protection Law

In accordance with the provisions of LOPD 15/1999, we inform you that the data provided will be incorporated into a file owned by LINEXTREMADURA SL and that they may be used for commercial purposes and for sending commercial information.

At all times you have the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose your personal data, requesting it by written letter to the PI El Nevero, c/ Nevero Trece, Parcela 16-14 de Badajoz CP-06006, or by email to the address info@linextremadura.com .

6. Applicable law and forum

For professional clients, issues related to the use of this website or its contents will be governed and interpreted in accordance with these Conditions of Use and Spanish law, submitting the parties, except in cases where they are not legally permitted, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Badajoz (Spain) for the resolution of conflicts concerning the use of this website, expressly waiving any other forum that may correspond to them.

7. General information on guarantees

In case of receiving a defective item, we will proceed accordingly to the repair, replacement, depreciation or termination of the contract. LINEXTREMADURA is responsible for any lack of conformity that manifests itself within a period of 2 years from delivery, and it is the customer's responsibility to report said lack of conformity within a maximum period of 2 months from when they became aware of it.

All products have a 2-year warranty, except for rechargeable batteries, which will be 6 months. At any time the client can go to our After Sales service by phone 696430898 or by email at postventa@linextremadura.com .