Identification of the holder

  • Owner: LINEXTREMADURA SL (hereinafter, "ONLINEX")
  • CIF: B06647200
  • Registered office: c/ Nevero Trece, P14 de Badajoz, with CP 06006
  • Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Badajoz : Folio 16 , Volume 574 , Sheet BA-25095 . 1st registration
  • Email address:
  • Contact phone: 629922860

Information and consent

By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user is informed and gives their free, informed, specific and unequivocal consent so that the personal data they provide to ONLINEX through its websites, by email or in person, are processed by ONLINE in order to provide them with the requested service and meet their demands. The data provided will be kept as long as you do not request the cessation of the activity.

Obligation to provide the data and purpose

The data requested by ONLINE is generally mandatory (unless otherwise specified) to comply with the established purposes. Therefore, if they are not provided or are not provided correctly, they will not be able to be attended to.

The only personal data to which ONLINEX , you will have access through its websites will be those that the user voluntarily provides, as well as those others collected through installed cookies.


The data of the user who provides their data through the contact and employment forms will be processed during the period necessary to respond to the request and until legal actions prescribe. ONLINEX will not use this data to send commercial communications.

Data processed

ONLINEX will process contact data for communications. In the event that the user provides data from third parties, he declares that he has their consent and undertakes to transfer the information contained in the Privacy Policy, exempting ONLINEX from any responsibility in this regard. However, ONLINEX may carry out periodic verifications to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.

The treatment of user data by ONLINEX is based on the consent that is requested and that can be withdrawn at any time. However, if you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out previously. The consents obtained for the aforementioned purposes are independent, so the user may revoke only one of them without affecting the others.

Data recipients

User data will be used exclusively by ONLINEX and exceptionally by Public Administrations in the cases provided by Law.

User responsibility

The user guarantees that he is over 18 years of age and that the data provided to ONLINEX is true, exact, complete and up-to-date. For these purposes, the user is responsible for the veracity of all the data that he communicates and will keep the information provided properly updated, in such a way that it responds to his real situation. You guarantee that you have informed the third parties of whom you provide your data, if so, of the aspects contained in this document. Likewise, it guarantees that you have obtained your authorization to provide your data to ONLINEX for the stated purposes. You will be responsible for any false or inaccurate information that you provide through the websites and for any damages, direct or indirect, that this causes to ONLINEX or third parties.

exercise of rights

The consent granted by the user may be revoked by notification addressed to the following email address: or by ordinary mail addressed to ONLINEX c/ Nevero Trece, P14 de Badajoz, with CP 06006 , with the Reference "Data Protection", attaching a photocopy of your identity document, at any time and free of charge, to:

  • Revoke the consents granted
  • Obtain confirmation about whether or not personal data concerning the user is being processed at ONLINEX
  • Access your personal data
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data
  • Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected
  • Obtain from ONLINEX the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided in the data protection regulations are met
  • Request the portability of your data
  • Claim before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, through the following address c/ Nevero Trece, P14 de Badajoz, with CP 06006 , when the interested party considers that ONLINEX has violated the rights that are recognized by the applicable regulations for the protection of data

Security measures

ONLINEX will treat the user's data at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and keeping the mandatory duty of secrecy with respect to them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. ONLINEX informs our clients that all the servers we use are located in data centers in the European Union and meet all the requirements set forth in the regulation.